Monday, December 8, 2008

Where Advertising comes Alive...

I must apologize to my followers. It has been said that the advertising hasn't com alive in a while, and that has been all too true. Still, get ready. There will be a lot of advertising coming alive very soon. I have been busy with a senior thesis, from which I would like to share some advertising related conclusions pertaining to SMBs (small to medium sized businesses). Mass market advertising gets a lot of attention, and even here, it recieves the biggest focus because of its broad appeal. Still, with the constraints imposed upon SMBs, it is often non-traditional marketing methods that can yeild the biggest return on marketing investment.

Niche marketing with its smalle scope, lower costs, and ability to win is a great strategy for marketers at SMBs. According to Jay Conrad Levinson, Guerrilla Marketing tactics allow SMBs to capitalize on the strengths inherent with being small, and make their marketing more efficient. I would recommend Guerrilla Marketing for those in SMBs, and would encourage some of you to check it out. If you want to find out more about marketing advice for SMBs, follow the link or post a comment, and I can upload my thesis so you can see where all the advertising has been for a while.

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