Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome to Kellen's Corner

Welcome to Kellen's Corner, a virtual place where advertising comes alive. I'll be sharing all of the best, worst, and especially interesting advertisements from around the world. You can look forward to a new featured ad every week with special bonus ads from time to time. We'll also take a look at some of the implications of the ads, and what they mean for the companies sponsoring them. I hope you'll find this journey through the most exciting area of marketing as interesting as I do.


Laura Becklund said...

Hey! This is the best blog ever! What a creative name! I know I will checking this like I check facebook...

Wugmanmax said...

I can't wait till the advertising comes alive! What do you think living advertising does on the weekends for fun? Is it benevolent? Should I be afraid when the advertising comes alive? I'm loading the shotgun and getting the kids in the basement just in case...